Friday, January 14, 2011

Yellow Running Shorts, Juno

Three Belgian poets

After Portugal, Poland, Spain and Hungary, it was Belgium who is honored in the series "Three Poets" published by Editions du Whisper ( ). Karel Logist wrote the preface and notes: "While many poets of this time are narcissistic buffoons we gladly leave to join their reflection in water depths of a sweet, others take to mirror society and we refer a personal vision and new. Janzyk Veronique, Wouters and Serge Antoine Delaive have chosen to be one of them. "

Veronica Janzyk has published two books: "Self" in The House of Echos in France, and "The House" published in Belgium in the literary magazine The Fram.

Born in 1965 in Liege, Serge Delaive is the author of ten books and three novels published in Belgium and France. He received the Prix Rossel 2009 for his novel "Argentina." He is co-founder of the magazine The Fram.

philosopher by training, Antoine Wauters (30 years) is co-editor of The Language Cheers, is dedicated to writing and working as a scriptwriter for films. He was awarded the Polak 2008 from the Royal Academy of French Language and Literature in Belgium.


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