Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Destination Wedding Save The Date Letters

Sketch the evening, hope

Like right now I'm working on projects too tope sicrète I can not speak, here's a doodle drawn in my sketchbook while nice buy for the holidays (and not open before school starts - it's bad ...)

As at the moment I'm working it super-secret projects That I can not tell you about, Here Is A Little Doodle From The lovely sketchbook I bought "during the holidays (and didn 't Even use Once Before I got back home - shame on me ...!)

And a test in 10 minutes flat coloring with markers smelling Sambre released his fan (do not drop is not so easy ... la la la ...)
I actually like the way markers were mixed with brown pencil ... I will probably do other tests in this genre!

And a 10-minute shot at coloring It With markers - it looks a lot like one of my favorite French comic, Sambre ...!
I actually like the Way The markers and merge Blended With The brown pencil ... Probably I'll make some more experiments With This!

Monday, September 27, 2010

2003 Mondeo Outside Temperature Sensor

New Book Nicole Versailles

Romanist and facilitator of writing workshops, Nicole Versailles began writing late in life. It became known From 2004 through his blog ( ). This experience inspired his book "All of a blog, a trial-testimony published by Editions Colors Books. She wrote an autobiographical novel very moving, "The child against the child upside down," I told you ( LENDROIT-childs-lenvers-nicole.html ). And I had the pleasure of meeting her by accident last March at the Book Fair in Brussels.

Nicole Versailles has just released a new book entitled "The Bribe". As I have unfortunately not yet had time to read it, I sought the help of the Belgian author Evelyne Wilwerth who has kindly agreed to make me a (very beautiful) report:

"Versailles Nicole really has a sense of new, the density and fall. This literary genre it fits like a glove. It shows a beautiful master narrative. These short texts seem well defined, well framed. No fat, no frioritures. It has the art of playing with the reader (it takes us on a wrong track, it offers riddles). His eyes are human, imbued with tenderness. Even if it portrays the cruelty, dishonesty, meanness and a host of small horrors. Human eyes then, and acute forager souls. What is the job of writers ... She knows how to spend the suffering. Then she has the art of personifying objects. A feature of the universe. In addition, it is a true all new, with these unifying elements that are the table and the color red. The recurrent themes struck me: old age, sickness, loss of memory. And I would note also a historical and political dimension that gives additional power to books. In short, a real content. Molded in a bright and just write.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Moving To London Blog Spot

"The marriage of Dominique Hardenne (Vincent Engel)

Survivor of a routed army, Dominique Hardenne wants to find his village, his family and he loves Nathan. But a bomb has killed all the inhabitants, frozen for eternity. Dominique chooses to stay with his memories and work the land, before going insane and imagining the dead again become alive.

This novel is well written, but I did not like. It gives the blues is sad and the first to the last page. No twist in the story. I may not understand everything but other than that being alone in the world is not very gay, I do not see why this novel is a "visionary book" or "allegory of our century," as 'says the back cover.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Top Upconverting Blu Ray Player

A shop in French

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

apologize for this egregious lack of rigor in the updates ... I promise I will show you new things soon!

I apologize for my Lack of Obvious Self-organization In The updates ... I promise I'll soon have new stuff to show you!

I have good news for French readers of this blog: I just opened a shop while French ALittleMarket on the platform, a new site devoted to handmade French. Indeed I know many people are not fluent in English, and do not buy on Etsy where everything is in English and where you have to pay in dollars ...
So, this shop is all in French and euro! And as you're lucky small, prices are more interesting on Etsy, where I must consider in my price fluctuations of the dollar against the euro.
For non-French speaking: for now I only show the shipping cost to France, but feel free to contact me, gladly send abroad, I will add shipping to your country!
I hope you enjoy the store! In the

latest news: now I Have A New shop all in French . I Doubt you care if you're reading this, though! ;) For you
Français-reading folks, my Etsy shop Is Wide open and waiting for you!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Vitamin High Ferritin

Chronicles Rene Henoumont

The Belgian writer René Henoumont left us a year ago, but "Le Soir Magazine" has a very good idea to continue publishing his best column each week. Here are four:

"Paradox. More than 16,000 animal species are endangered. In Wallonia, there are 40,000 wild boars and deer populations and deer are constantly increasing. These predators cause crop damage. The anger of Farmers growls. In truth, the holders of hunting big game occur in wooded areas as student pheasant plain. This is to satisfy shareholders by offering them up to target the day. It's shooting the pipe. This is the shop. Killing is not hunting. We had a game where, walking, pushing one game ahead. It was the merry chase, exploring nature during the last wild ducks and woodcock, wild boar night watch. Here we are. Last week of August 1939, I shared between the International Water Expo, the city and the village of my father. An unforgettable summer, the world of adolescence and first love. One fine evening, the great Arthur Perilous invites me to watch for wild boar. I accompany him, not without apprehension. Reached the edge of a ground oats, in the heart of dark wood, Arthur tells me a heavy gauge 12 and says he will push me boars we hear the cries of a savagery that makes me heart beat. I did not plan that! I am alone, gun in hand under the stars before the blond oats. Side of Liege, a glow in the sky, the Expo will close its doors in a few days (who knows?). We are on the eve of war, rather, between war and peace until May 10, 1940. I listen at night, starting at the slightest noise, terrified by the nocturnal birds. Time passes. Still no Arthur. I seem to hear a gallop, grunts and wild boars lead oats. Fingers twitching on the trigger, I pull my two shots. A silence disturbed only by the sound of two explosions. Out of the night, I guess Arthur looked at a dark mass at twenty paces. "It's a nice pig, you got it!". My legs are shaking and I dare believe it. And yet it is there, my first wild boar. If I remember correctly, at that time, farmers were allowed to shoot the boars on their land. Hunting today is the privilege of the wealthy at the expense of crops and plantations. Large herbivores severed the terminal bud of trees and wild boar are omnivorous. We must reduce them. Not so simple.

"During my summers buissonniers I known natural sanctuaries. My first sanctuary was the Montagne Saint-Pierre beyond ultimate purpose hills of the valley of the Meuse before Holland. I was still in high school and is along with our science teacher as we walked near the limestone where it was gentians, orchids and dwarf junipers. Where are they now? Sort? I doubt it. The Albert Canal and the fort of Eben -Emael have changed the landscape. Another sanctuary between Filot (Hamoir) and Sy, the Marniere, a plateau where the marl was extracted. There were colonies of gentian, as well as deep excavations which were thrown cattle patients. This did not prevent the mender, a character nicknamed "Tchofil unsuspectingly," to retrieve a pig burst and enjoy them. He died in his nineties ... Other shrines loops Ourthe and Amblève: Fêchereux and Raborive. Fêchereux was dominated by Roche Hawks at the foot of which good-sized trout, pike and perch abounded. He had to borrow a water passage, now repealed and replaced by an ugly bridge, so as to allow bikes to access the towpath along the River. I call it a crime. Near La Roche, an abandoned house served as refuge for supporters during the Occupation. I remember. Jewish families hiding in the nearby village. Raborive near Martinrea on Amel, was even more secret. There, Charles Martel's troops decimated the Neustrians Planer. The river flows under a canopy of weeping willows, green path to true dungeon of the castle ruins of Amel son Aymon lent to the four where it was thought that the bandits Magonette and Gena had hidden their treasure. The side of the rock stood in the 50s, the Mohinette, famous tale Marcellin Guard. There will be hidden near Louis XVI and his companion attempting to cross the Rhine. Henchmen of murdered Directory outlaws. The true is that during the dark years, members of the PS Underground found refuge under the protection of the mineworkers of the Belle-Roche, armed resisters. I remember too. A Raborive, fish reached an exceptional size. There were also huge snakes. It was a paradise. While fishing, history caught up with me, I had something to dream ... Today is a camping ...".

"Childhood your brand she ever? So I always had a certain melancholy in August. The days sped the end of the holiday was approaching. In my father's village, the festivals of the mid-August, decorated floats, outdoor games, announced the return to school. Another fortnight ... What I liked best at school, it is the holidays ... The promise of new notebooks, pen tray lined, was only a small consolation. Then I counted the days, waterfront, fishing rod in hand, watching the great river flowing. How was it during the winter? I imagined her in the blue ice and bare trees where the birds were silent. Got in my uncle's farm, I took refuge in the barn, where the straw was felt, blonde and crunchy. "Where's the kid?" asked my aunt. "I Tchoul and growls" my uncle said, sucking his pipe on the bench outside the house where the swallows already lined up on the son as a chirping power abacus. Today, it stopped raining, but the sun is reluctant in the yard. Near the source, the crocuses will bloom with large lanceolate leaves soon. I wonder if in the near muddy High Ardenne, there are still some crocuses that grazing cows on his lips blue. A friend, at my request, long ago, sent me six feet of saffron. Each fall, they are there, but my friend is gone. Mad botany and mushroom, it could offer a complete dinner, from soup to dessert, with mushrooms, washed down with the best wine. He knew how to live ... The morning mist still smokes like a wash over the river in the valley ponds lost, a laundry as there is more than either. The washing machine hums, odorless, like thousands of others. In the village there were two big ladies laundry all day long great white sheets they began to dry in the orchard. I can still see them flapping in the wind and I lost myself in picking apples. I hesitate to prune the hedges, the pigeons have nests (nice excuse!). When I wake up in the mail by the hedge charms, there is one that starts snapping wings. I know he's young, and I look forward to the house, the newspaper under his arm, something to do while waiting for the Maigret Sunday.

"taking a little space in the garage below the sloping path, where a cloudburst had accumulated 60 cm of mud, I put my hand on my fishing bag I'm lost for 20 years. The small short-handled scoop, bottle ass drilled where the minnows accumulated fond of bread, minnows box, mounts, everything is there. On the last day of summer, where Belgium is lagging, where Iran is scary, you do not want complacency. I was reminded of old days of trout fishing in the Ourthe. And I found myself playing the wrist as if I was fishing the spinning between large rocks where the river cascading Sy ... Anything else on this last day of summer, end of a rotten season, stealth gray sky and sun, I prepared my four-hours. The Herve cheese cube in the basement was ready, double cream Aubel, sweet. The toast with syrup of Liège, I found the smell of the house of my grandfather, at number 6 Rue Charlemagne, the Préalle-Herstal. I saw the policeman retired, all dressed in velvet, his shotgun still within reach. He stood leaning on the table covered with green linoleum lined side by side where the packets of tobacco Semois ruptured, large Bouffard, cartridge boxes, the big brown bread, cheese Herve, the pot of syrup and pears in the garden. I saw him as I can see you're reading me, while I was flipping through the blue pages of the catalog of the arms factory and graduate of St. Etienne which was the bible of my grandfather. In winter, the big platform to red nozzle buzzing and the only room on the ground floor smelled like all the coal Préalle. I still hear the noise of trucks tipping the top of the heap close to home. I mean tchouf-tchouf locomotive line-Liege Tongeren past the house, idling up to the crossing in front of which stood the old liver Dadite selling to minors piqued the Bacnure who had no butter on their sandwiches. Dadite had known my mother to child and called him "my binamée" and me, a little anything, to whom she offered a slice of his liver stung as I have never been found in meats. On this day in late summer, I prepared a hot coffee to get the Herve, the best cheese in the world. At least I have left it there ...".

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Anesthesia Palpitations

Skydoll Expo - the pictures!

Hello world!

Hello everyone!

I'm finally back from vacation, and already half swamped ... but I'll still try to update the blog fairly regularly! ;)

I'm finally back from holidays, and burried Already Under work ... I'll try to update frequently to nevertheless! ;)

Here are some pictures of the opening of the exhibition Tribute to Skydoll taking place currently in The Gallery in Montreal, Canada! I'm sorry, Canadian friends (if any who read this blog?), I could not give you the date of opening on time because it was not fixed when I'm on vacation ... but the exhibition continues until mid-September so there is still time for a resit!

Here Are A Few Of The pictures Skydoll Tribute show that's Taking place in The Gallery in Montreal, Canada! I'm very sorry, Canadian friends (if Any Canadians Actually read this Blog), I Could Give You the opening date on time Because it wasn't Decided When I left for holidays ... But The show goes on till mid-september, So You Can Still Catch Up!

Thanks to the Gallery and Barbara Canepa for photos!
Thanks to The Gallery and Barbara Canepa for the pictures!

Click on photos to enlarge / / Click to enlarge the pictures