Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Wacth Ross Kemp On Gangs Oline

New Book Verschoore

Born in 1939, Dr. Nicole Verschoore is in Germanic philology from the University of Ghent. Assistant Professor Herman Uyttersprot, Fellow of the National Fund for Scientific Research she chose a career in 1973 as a journalist: she is a contributing editor and responsible for culture in liberal daily Het Laatste Nieuws "(until 1988), then chronicler of musical life in Brussels until 1994. The year of the publication of his first novel published by Gallimard, Nicole Verschoore takes the direction of Ghent the weekly "The New Courier" (1994-1999). The Royal Academy of French Language and Literature of Belgium awarded him the Prix Michot for his trilogy of novels The Passion and Men ("Scrolls of the tower", "Mount Blandin" and "The charrette Lapsceure). More information http://www.nicoleverschoore.be/

In 2010, The Scream editions published his latest book, "Autobiography of a century." I have not had a chance to read it, but I invite you to discover the report written by Henri-Floris Jespers in the quarterly journal of the Foundation Ca Ira ( http://www.caira.over-blog.com/ ):

"factor, an endangered species disappearance, deliberately sacrificed at the altar of bloody sacrosanct free markets (read: frantic bait and devastating gain), handed me two books by Nicole Verschoore by hand. I conclude, marvel, reading his "Autobiography of a century." A Century of mine, an imaginary autobiography, in its deliberate strangeness but sincere, is mine. This Nicole Verschoore seventh book illustrates in a minor, no less, this "tense calm" which tells Rene Char. Blending genres with a very personal address, it gives us a book called novel, reading comforted me. The reader will sometimes hear muffled echoes of prolonged or complete novels of Nicole Verschoore (the "Master of the town" to "Passion and men"), sometimes the resonances of his scholarly works published in both French Netherlands, during a long and quiet career in the service of collective memory. This "Autobiography of a Century" presents like a kaleidoscope revealing reminders of light at different levels. Nicole Verschoore cleverly calculates the vibrations, echoes, orders and reminders, amalgamating various prose whose genealogy is fascinating: autobiographical fragments or autofictional, critical considerations on the political or international finance, put in abyss, fragments of what had able to assert itself as a novel in letters
...". (Thanks to Mr Jespers giving me permission to resume his account)

PS By clicking below on "Verschoore Nicole", you find my other articles on this author.


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