Contents of 2009 and 2010
Belgian authors to whom I dedicated sections in 2009 and 2010 (in alphabetical order): Nicolas
Ancion: 20Nicolas
Andriat Frank 20Frank
Pieter Aspe: aspe.html
Baetens Jan: 20Jan
Bertrand Rémi: 20RA © mi
Micheline Boland: 20Micheline
Quran Peter 20Pierre
De Mulder Caroline http : / / / search / label / From%% 20Mulder 20Caroline
Josse De Pauw
: english.html
Desguin Carine-Laure :
Desterbecq Philippe :
De Xhavée Edmée :
Engel Vincent :
Gunzig Thomas :
Henoumont René :é
Houdart Frances: 20Franà § oise
Armel Job: 20Armel
The Bussy Alain:
Arthur Masson: label / Masson% 20Arthur
Jacques Mercier:
Amelie Nothomb
: http://ecrivainsbelges. / search / label /% 20AM © lie Nothomb
Nys-Mazure Colette :
Polet Grégoire :
Pourveur Paul :
Roland Georges :
Schmitt Eric-Emmanuel :
Simenon Georges :
Toussaint Jean-Philippe: 20Jean Philippe
Verhaeren Emile % 20Emile
Versailles Nicole 20Nicole
Verschoore Nicole 20Nicole
Wauters Antoine 20Antoine
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Prom Dresses For Rent In Manila
Video Interview BSC News
Hello everyone, and happy holiday season!
Hello everyone, I wish you a merry Christmas (or whatever you're Celebrating These Days) and a happy New Year!
I apologize for this very flat and a half months without an update ... At the same time I promise that I had a good excuse: many things happened in my little life, but as this blog is not the 3615 Malifa, I will not dwell on the details ... Just know that I moved into a new apartment, where I'll be able m'aménager un coin atelier (ô joie ! - enfin quand j'aurai dégagé le bureau de la pile de cartons qui l'encombre pour l'instant).
I apologize deeply for the sudden quietness on this blog... On the other hand I promise I had good reasons: many things happened in that little life of mine, although this blog is not the place to discuss them! Suffice to say that I moved to a new flat, and I will probably have some space to have my own little art studio-corner (may the Great Flying Spaghetti bless it! - well, as soon as I will have unearthed the desk from the pile of boxes that crowd it at the moment).
Pour ce qui est des nouvelles, j'ai été interviewée pour le numéro cultural magazine's December BSC News: You can read the interview online here
BSC News Magazine
In other news, I've Had an interview for the latest outcome of a French cultural magazine, BSC News, Which You Can read here If You Can read French!
On this occasion, I made an illustration with 4 hands with artist and writer Jean-Sebastien Bordas. A nice experience, and a nice meeting with a very nice artist! It was actually very funny (although a bit difficult) to marry our respective worlds and styles that are usually quite distant ! Je vous mets notre chef-d'oeuvre ci-dessous.
(JS je prends les chèques et le liquide mais pas les cartes de crédit hein !)
For the interview, I was asked to create an illustration four-handed with Jean-Sébastien Bordas, a French comic artist and writer. It was a great experience, and I was very happy to meet Jean-Sébastien ! It was really fun (although a bit tough) to mix both our styles and universes since our works are usually quite different! I'm showing you our masterpiece down there.
© JS Bordas / Kmye Chan - 2010
Cliquez pour agrandir // Click to enlarge
Hello everyone, I wish you a merry Christmas (or whatever you're Celebrating These Days) and a happy New Year!
I apologize for this very flat and a half months without an update ... At the same time I promise that I had a good excuse: many things happened in my little life, but as this blog is not the 3615 Malifa, I will not dwell on the details ... Just know that I moved into a new apartment, where I'll be able m'aménager un coin atelier (ô joie ! - enfin quand j'aurai dégagé le bureau de la pile de cartons qui l'encombre pour l'instant).
I apologize deeply for the sudden quietness on this blog... On the other hand I promise I had good reasons: many things happened in that little life of mine, although this blog is not the place to discuss them! Suffice to say that I moved to a new flat, and I will probably have some space to have my own little art studio-corner (may the Great Flying Spaghetti bless it! - well, as soon as I will have unearthed the desk from the pile of boxes that crowd it at the moment).
Pour ce qui est des nouvelles, j'ai été interviewée pour le numéro cultural magazine's December BSC News: You can read the interview online here
BSC News Magazine
In other news, I've Had an interview for the latest outcome of a French cultural magazine, BSC News, Which You Can read here If You Can read French!
On this occasion, I made an illustration with 4 hands with artist and writer Jean-Sebastien Bordas. A nice experience, and a nice meeting with a very nice artist! It was actually very funny (although a bit difficult) to marry our respective worlds and styles that are usually quite distant ! Je vous mets notre chef-d'oeuvre ci-dessous.
(JS je prends les chèques et le liquide mais pas les cartes de crédit hein !)
For the interview, I was asked to create an illustration four-handed with Jean-Sébastien Bordas, a French comic artist and writer. It was a great experience, and I was very happy to meet Jean-Sébastien ! It was really fun (although a bit tough) to mix both our styles and universes since our works are usually quite different! I'm showing you our masterpiece down there.

Cliquez pour agrandir // Click to enlarge
Monday, December 20, 2010
Should Lasagna Be Covered When Baking?
Death of Alain le Bussy
Born Esneux (near Liège) In 1947, Alain le Bussy conducts university studies in political and social, during which he published some news in the journal literature of the circle of the ULG. But something clicked done in 1970 while participating in the first international convention of science fiction held on European soil, in Heidelberg. In 1976, with other enthusiasts, he organized the first international convention Liege science fiction on Belgian soil. He started writing in the late 80s. In 1992, Black River Editions published his first novel "Deltas", part of a planet opera that tells the sinking of an expedition landed on a distant planet. This book won the Prix Rosny elder 1993 at the international convention of science fiction Orleans. In eighteen years (1992 to 2010), Alain le Bussy has published over thirty novels and written over two hundred stories, some of which have been included in anthologies. But outside the circles of science fiction, yet he was misunderstood: in terms of dissemination, his novels have suffered from rapid turnover of Black River editions (which no longer exist today) and have long been difficult to find. Good news: The small French publisher Eons ( ) has reissued all novels Alain left the Black River and you can even download them as e-books. Alain le Bussy died Oct. 15 at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire du Sart-Tilman and buried in the cemetery of Esneux.
Born Esneux (near Liège) In 1947, Alain le Bussy conducts university studies in political and social, during which he published some news in the journal literature of the circle of the ULG. But something clicked done in 1970 while participating in the first international convention of science fiction held on European soil, in Heidelberg. In 1976, with other enthusiasts, he organized the first international convention Liege science fiction on Belgian soil. He started writing in the late 80s. In 1992, Black River Editions published his first novel "Deltas", part of a planet opera that tells the sinking of an expedition landed on a distant planet. This book won the Prix Rosny elder 1993 at the international convention of science fiction Orleans. In eighteen years (1992 to 2010), Alain le Bussy has published over thirty novels and written over two hundred stories, some of which have been included in anthologies. But outside the circles of science fiction, yet he was misunderstood: in terms of dissemination, his novels have suffered from rapid turnover of Black River editions (which no longer exist today) and have long been difficult to find. Good news: The small French publisher Eons ( ) has reissued all novels Alain left the Black River and you can even download them as e-books. Alain le Bussy died Oct. 15 at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire du Sart-Tilman and buried in the cemetery of Esneux.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Lots Of Ewcm Period Late
News Edmee De Xhavée
News from the Belgian author Edmee De Xhavée (born in Verviers in 1948) is a promotional video directed by Florian Houdart: / user / EditionsChloeDesLys # p / a / u/1/5bb4r3L6_IE . Edmee has two beautiful projects for the year 2011: his return to Belgium and the release of her second novel, "On the other side of the river, Sibylla" (published by Chloé des Lys). Clicking below on "De Xhavée Edmee," I invite you to (re) read the articles that I had spent in 2009 with the release of her first novel "The Romanies.
News from the Belgian author Edmee De Xhavée (born in Verviers in 1948) is a promotional video directed by Florian Houdart: / user / EditionsChloeDesLys # p / a / u/1/5bb4r3L6_IE . Edmee has two beautiful projects for the year 2011: his return to Belgium and the release of her second novel, "On the other side of the river, Sibylla" (published by Chloé des Lys). Clicking below on "De Xhavée Edmee," I invite you to (re) read the articles that I had spent in 2009 with the release of her first novel "The Romanies.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wrote Cover Letter Clothing Store
Price Caroline Rossel 2010
Caroline De Mulder won the Prix Rossel 2010 (the most prestigious literary prize in French-speaking Belgium) for his first novel, "Ego Tango." Born in 1976 in Ghent, she grew up in the region of Mouscron, before living in Paris today while teaching at the University of Namur. More information
Caroline De Mulder was assigned to the group's daily Sud Presse: "Actually, I was not expecting it, because Other nominees were experienced authors. So I was very surprised by the phone call that told me I had won the Prix Rossel. I had to jump into the first train to Brussels, and I myself am wearing! "Ego Tango", three stories into one. A story about the tango. My heroine appropriates his body through the tango. I describe the places related to tango. The second is a story about addiction. The heroine becomes addicted to this dance. And the third is a detective story: a dancer disappears and this little tango world is shattered. Long ago as I write. Moreover, Mr. Andrew, my teacher from primary to sixth Collège Sainte-Marie de Mouscron, called my father when he learned that I had won the award for him that I had won a writing contest when I was little. I do not remember ... But above all I began to write regularly from 13-14 years.
Caroline De Mulder won the Prix Rossel 2010 (the most prestigious literary prize in French-speaking Belgium) for his first novel, "Ego Tango." Born in 1976 in Ghent, she grew up in the region of Mouscron, before living in Paris today while teaching at the University of Namur. More information
Caroline De Mulder was assigned to the group's daily Sud Presse: "Actually, I was not expecting it, because Other nominees were experienced authors. So I was very surprised by the phone call that told me I had won the Prix Rossel. I had to jump into the first train to Brussels, and I myself am wearing! "Ego Tango", three stories into one. A story about the tango. My heroine appropriates his body through the tango. I describe the places related to tango. The second is a story about addiction. The heroine becomes addicted to this dance. And the third is a detective story: a dancer disappears and this little tango world is shattered. Long ago as I write. Moreover, Mr. Andrew, my teacher from primary to sixth Collège Sainte-Marie de Mouscron, called my father when he learned that I had won the award for him that I had won a writing contest when I was little. I do not remember ... But above all I began to write regularly from 13-14 years.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Can Herpes Outbreak Be On The Stomach
Josse De Mulder Pauw translated into French by Nicole
Comedian and author Belgian Dutch Josse De Pauw is translated into French for the first time: Genesis editions publish "The time being ", a compilation of two of his works written in Dutch (" Werk "and" Nog ") that tell of memories and stories with her daughter.
the occasion of the release of this book, he confided to journalist Isabelle Monnart in the daily "La Derniere Heure / Les Sports"
"You're glad that you discovered in French in text?
- Yes, I am thrilled! I live my life in Brussels, I have a lot of friends who could follow me speaking in my work in theater, but not in writing. It was at Reading Theatre National I made calls to editors of the foot. And it worked.
- It was interesting for you to read in another language?
- Yes. Because even if I live part of my life in French, here is nevertheless a language foreign to me. I reread in another way, although I agree 100%.
- tell you with great fondness your childhood memories of the campaign!
- was important to me. Because even if I became a citizen today, that's where I grew up. But I did not want to put nostalgia. I think I started to write, to revive a past, to better understand me.
- You do not find here in the theater?
- I do not know. What is certain is that using a material like that the theater would be too nostalgic accents. I started writing when I was thirty years but I was not dreaming of a book: they were mere exercises in observation. I never speak to the theater as I do in this book. "
Comedian and author Belgian Dutch Josse De Pauw is translated into French for the first time: Genesis editions publish "The time being ", a compilation of two of his works written in Dutch (" Werk "and" Nog ") that tell of memories and stories with her daughter.
the occasion of the release of this book, he confided to journalist Isabelle Monnart in the daily "La Derniere Heure / Les Sports"
"You're glad that you discovered in French in text?
- Yes, I am thrilled! I live my life in Brussels, I have a lot of friends who could follow me speaking in my work in theater, but not in writing. It was at Reading Theatre National I made calls to editors of the foot. And it worked.
- It was interesting for you to read in another language?
- Yes. Because even if I live part of my life in French, here is nevertheless a language foreign to me. I reread in another way, although I agree 100%.
- tell you with great fondness your childhood memories of the campaign!
- was important to me. Because even if I became a citizen today, that's where I grew up. But I did not want to put nostalgia. I think I started to write, to revive a past, to better understand me.
- You do not find here in the theater?
- I do not know. What is certain is that using a material like that the theater would be too nostalgic accents. I started writing when I was thirty years but I was not dreaming of a book: they were mere exercises in observation. I never speak to the theater as I do in this book. "
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Wacth Ross Kemp On Gangs Oline
New Book Verschoore
Born in 1939, Dr. Nicole Verschoore is in Germanic philology from the University of Ghent. Assistant Professor Herman Uyttersprot, Fellow of the National Fund for Scientific Research she chose a career in 1973 as a journalist: she is a contributing editor and responsible for culture in liberal daily Het Laatste Nieuws "(until 1988), then chronicler of musical life in Brussels until 1994. The year of the publication of his first novel published by Gallimard, Nicole Verschoore takes the direction of Ghent the weekly "The New Courier" (1994-1999). The Royal Academy of French Language and Literature of Belgium awarded him the Prix Michot for his trilogy of novels The Passion and Men ("Scrolls of the tower", "Mount Blandin" and "The charrette Lapsceure). More information
In 2010, The Scream editions published his latest book, "Autobiography of a century." I have not had a chance to read it, but I invite you to discover the report written by Henri-Floris Jespers in the quarterly journal of the Foundation Ca Ira ( ):
"factor, an endangered species disappearance, deliberately sacrificed at the altar of bloody sacrosanct free markets (read: frantic bait and devastating gain), handed me two books by Nicole Verschoore by hand. I conclude, marvel, reading his "Autobiography of a century." A Century of mine, an imaginary autobiography, in its deliberate strangeness but sincere, is mine. This Nicole Verschoore seventh book illustrates in a minor, no less, this "tense calm" which tells Rene Char. Blending genres with a very personal address, it gives us a book called novel, reading comforted me. The reader will sometimes hear muffled echoes of prolonged or complete novels of Nicole Verschoore (the "Master of the town" to "Passion and men"), sometimes the resonances of his scholarly works published in both French Netherlands, during a long and quiet career in the service of collective memory. This "Autobiography of a Century" presents like a kaleidoscope revealing reminders of light at different levels. Nicole Verschoore cleverly calculates the vibrations, echoes, orders and reminders, amalgamating various prose whose genealogy is fascinating: autobiographical fragments or autofictional, critical considerations on the political or international finance, put in abyss, fragments of what had able to assert itself as a novel in letters
...". (Thanks to Mr Jespers giving me permission to resume his account)
PS By clicking below on "Verschoore Nicole", you find my other articles on this author.
Born in 1939, Dr. Nicole Verschoore is in Germanic philology from the University of Ghent. Assistant Professor Herman Uyttersprot, Fellow of the National Fund for Scientific Research she chose a career in 1973 as a journalist: she is a contributing editor and responsible for culture in liberal daily Het Laatste Nieuws "(until 1988), then chronicler of musical life in Brussels until 1994. The year of the publication of his first novel published by Gallimard, Nicole Verschoore takes the direction of Ghent the weekly "The New Courier" (1994-1999). The Royal Academy of French Language and Literature of Belgium awarded him the Prix Michot for his trilogy of novels The Passion and Men ("Scrolls of the tower", "Mount Blandin" and "The charrette Lapsceure). More information
In 2010, The Scream editions published his latest book, "Autobiography of a century." I have not had a chance to read it, but I invite you to discover the report written by Henri-Floris Jespers in the quarterly journal of the Foundation Ca Ira ( ):
"factor, an endangered species disappearance, deliberately sacrificed at the altar of bloody sacrosanct free markets (read: frantic bait and devastating gain), handed me two books by Nicole Verschoore by hand. I conclude, marvel, reading his "Autobiography of a century." A Century of mine, an imaginary autobiography, in its deliberate strangeness but sincere, is mine. This Nicole Verschoore seventh book illustrates in a minor, no less, this "tense calm" which tells Rene Char. Blending genres with a very personal address, it gives us a book called novel, reading comforted me. The reader will sometimes hear muffled echoes of prolonged or complete novels of Nicole Verschoore (the "Master of the town" to "Passion and men"), sometimes the resonances of his scholarly works published in both French Netherlands, during a long and quiet career in the service of collective memory. This "Autobiography of a Century" presents like a kaleidoscope revealing reminders of light at different levels. Nicole Verschoore cleverly calculates the vibrations, echoes, orders and reminders, amalgamating various prose whose genealogy is fascinating: autobiographical fragments or autofictional, critical considerations on the political or international finance, put in abyss, fragments of what had able to assert itself as a novel in letters
...". (Thanks to Mr Jespers giving me permission to resume his account)
PS By clicking below on "Verschoore Nicole", you find my other articles on this author.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Baixar Gratis Hdloade Para Ps2
Sky Doll - Dolls Pietà
Miyou Bravo, who won the little game on Friday! The correct answer was "In Nomine agapae "...! Others have also found after you have sharp eyes, congratulations! ;)
Congrads to Miyou, Who won Friday's game! The right answer Was "In Nomine agapae "...! SEVERAL people found The Right answer Afterwards, you guys Have sharp eyes! ;)
So, as promised, a little explanation about my latest drawing ...!
So, as advertised, a little explanation on my latest artwork ...!
Some have already noticed a number of references to classical religious paintings, with, among others, the halos, the thorny crown of flowers, the tattoo place and a wound in the side ...
In fact, this design refers to a classic figure of religious art, the Pietà. These are scenes where the Virgin holds in her arms the tortured body of Christ (yes, we did in the gay today!). The most famous is the statue of Michelangelo ...
Some of You Have Already mentionned SEVERAL references to classical Religious paintings: the golden orbs, The Crown of Thorns, The tattoo is Agape's side looking like a wound ...
Actually, this drawing Is A reference to a classical figure of Religious Art, The Pieta. It's a representation of the Virgin holding the Christ in Her Arms's body (yeah, how light-hearted, I know ...!). One Is The Most Famous Michael Angelo's statue ...
My preference, that being said, go to the Greco's Pietà, extremely modern for its time ...
My personal favorite El Greco's Pietà IS, very modern for His Time ...
was, of course, a reference to the fact that Sky Doll gleefully parodies the Catholic faith and inspired too much of the aesthetics of religious art ... blink of an eye in the blink of an eye?
It was likely to make this bet, anyway! ;)
It Was, Obviously, a reference to The Fact That Sky Doll Is parodying Catholic religion with Success am and is Inspired by The Aesthetic of Religious Art ... Kind of a wink to a wink?
We Were a lot to make artwork Religious Inspired by art, anyway! ;)
Congrads to Miyou, Who won Friday's game! The right answer Was "In Nomine agapae "...! SEVERAL people found The Right answer Afterwards, you guys Have sharp eyes! ;)
So, as promised, a little explanation about my latest drawing ...!
So, as advertised, a little explanation on my latest artwork ...!

In fact, this design refers to a classic figure of religious art, the Pietà. These are scenes where the Virgin holds in her arms the tortured body of Christ (yes, we did in the gay today!). The most famous is the statue of Michelangelo ...
Some of You Have Already mentionned SEVERAL references to classical Religious paintings: the golden orbs, The Crown of Thorns, The tattoo is Agape's side looking like a wound ...
Actually, this drawing Is A reference to a classical figure of Religious Art, The Pieta. It's a representation of the Virgin holding the Christ in Her Arms's body (yeah, how light-hearted, I know ...!). One Is The Most Famous Michael Angelo's statue ...
My preference, that being said, go to the Greco's Pietà, extremely modern for its time ...
My personal favorite El Greco's Pietà IS, very modern for His Time ...
was, of course, a reference to the fact that Sky Doll gleefully parodies the Catholic faith and inspired too much of the aesthetics of religious art ... blink of an eye in the blink of an eye?
It was likely to make this bet, anyway! ;)
It Was, Obviously, a reference to The Fact That Sky Doll Is parodying Catholic religion with Success am and is Inspired by The Aesthetic of Religious Art ... Kind of a wink to a wink?
We Were a lot to make artwork Religious Inspired by art, anyway! ;)
Free Samples Of Vote Of Thanks For Wedding
"The Winter Journey" (Amélie Nothomb)
Aged about forty years, Zoilus explains why he will hijack a plane from Roissy and crash on the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower is in the form of A as Astrolabe, the woman he loves. Zoilus but could not fully live her love for Astrolabe is caring day and night of the novelist Eleanor autistic Molez he was unable to get rid of.
Among the five books of Amelie Nothomb I have already read, I loved both novels autobiographical "Fear and Trembling" and "Neither Eve nor Adam" taking place in Japan, I ' I hated the murky "Hygiene de l'assassin" And I liked "The Catiline Orations" and "The Winter Journey" but they did not score and did not give me the urge to reread them.
Aged about forty years, Zoilus explains why he will hijack a plane from Roissy and crash on the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower is in the form of A as Astrolabe, the woman he loves. Zoilus but could not fully live her love for Astrolabe is caring day and night of the novelist Eleanor autistic Molez he was unable to get rid of.
Among the five books of Amelie Nothomb I have already read, I loved both novels autobiographical "Fear and Trembling" and "Neither Eve nor Adam" taking place in Japan, I ' I hated the murky "Hygiene de l'assassin" And I liked "The Catiline Orations" and "The Winter Journey" but they did not score and did not give me the urge to reread them.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Best Orthopedic Surgeon Oc
celestial little game!
Here finally unveiled ... my drawing for the exhibition Sky Doll!
It Is Here At Last ... My artwork for the Sky Doll group show!
Click to enlarge / / Click to enlarge
Remember the opening of the exhibition held tomorrow, Saturday, November 13 from 19h! : D
Do not Forget The opening party tomorrow November 13th, starting at 7pm! : D
I'll tell you more about the origin of this drawing in a future post ... but right now right now ...
It's time for a nice game!
As a careful examination of the drawing will show you, there graffiti on the wall behind the head of Noa. The first person who will give me the exact text of graffiti commenting on this blog win a kiss, my eternal admiration, and a numbered edition and signed my Sleeping Beauty !
Remember to leave an e-mail where I can contact you! :)
Obviously this will be much easier for people who come to the expo tomorrow to see the drawing in real life ...!
I will tell you more about The Origins of This Picture In Another update ... but right now ...
It's game time!
As A Careful examination of The Picture Will Show You, There Is a graffiti on the wall just behind Noa's head. The first person to give me the exact text of the graffiti in a comment on this blog will win a hug, my eternal admiration, and a signed and numbered print of my Sleeping Beauty !
Don't forget to leave a valid e-mail address for me contact you if you win! :)
Obviously this is going to be a lot easier for people who will come to the show tomorrow...!
It Is Here At Last ... My artwork for the Sky Doll group show!

Remember the opening of the exhibition held tomorrow, Saturday, November 13 from 19h! : D
Do not Forget The opening party tomorrow November 13th, starting at 7pm! : D
I'll tell you more about the origin of this drawing in a future post ... but right now right now ...
It's time for a nice game!
As a careful examination of the drawing will show you, there graffiti on the wall behind the head of Noa. The first person who will give me the exact text of graffiti commenting on this blog win a kiss, my eternal admiration, and a numbered edition and signed my Sleeping Beauty !
Remember to leave an e-mail where I can contact you! :)
Obviously this will be much easier for people who come to the expo tomorrow to see the drawing in real life ...!
I will tell you more about The Origins of This Picture In Another update ... but right now ...
It's game time!
As A Careful examination of The Picture Will Show You, There Is a graffiti on the wall just behind Noa's head. The first person to give me the exact text of the graffiti in a comment on this blog will win a hug, my eternal admiration, and a signed and numbered print of my Sleeping Beauty !
Don't forget to leave a valid e-mail address for me contact you if you win! :)
Obviously this is going to be a lot easier for people who will come to the show tomorrow...!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Is Diana Zubiri Pregnant?
Sky Doll Expo in Paris
Hop ! Un petit update en forme de teaser...!
And here is a little update with a teaser inside...!
Un small outline of my drawing that will be exposed from Saturday at the Gallery Nana in Paris as part of the exhibition Sky Doll from 13/11 to 24/12! A collective exhibition in honor of the beautiful and comic Barbucci Canepa ... with lots of people who rip the pencil! Some names to entice you: Kei Acedera, Lilidoll, Benjamin Lacombe, Tony Sandoval, Clement Lefevre, Ciou ...!
The opening is Saturday, November 13 from 19h, and I hope to see you there! ;)
I'll show you the entire picture Friday night, just before the show (she is much bigger than it actually).
A little peep at my artwork that will be shown at Gallery Nana in Paris for the Sky Doll group show, starting this Saturday and ending on December 24th ! A gorgeous group show paying tribute to the comic book by Barbucci and Canepa... where you will see the works of amazing artists such as Kei Acedera, Lilidoll, Benjamin Lacombe, Tony Sandoval, Clément Lefévre, Ciou, just to name a few !
The opening party is on November 13th, starting at 7pm, do come and join us ! ;)
I will show you the complete picture on Friday evening (it's much larger than this preview, actually).
And here is a little update with a teaser inside...!

Un small outline of my drawing that will be exposed from Saturday at the Gallery Nana in Paris as part of the exhibition Sky Doll from 13/11 to 24/12! A collective exhibition in honor of the beautiful and comic Barbucci Canepa ... with lots of people who rip the pencil! Some names to entice you: Kei Acedera, Lilidoll, Benjamin Lacombe, Tony Sandoval, Clement Lefevre, Ciou ...!
The opening is Saturday, November 13 from 19h, and I hope to see you there! ;)
I'll show you the entire picture Friday night, just before the show (she is much bigger than it actually).
A little peep at my artwork that will be shown at Gallery Nana in Paris for the Sky Doll group show, starting this Saturday and ending on December 24th ! A gorgeous group show paying tribute to the comic book by Barbucci and Canepa... where you will see the works of amazing artists such as Kei Acedera, Lilidoll, Benjamin Lacombe, Tony Sandoval, Clément Lefévre, Ciou, just to name a few !
The opening party is on November 13th, starting at 7pm, do come and join us ! ;)
I will show you the complete picture on Friday evening (it's much larger than this preview, actually).

Signs Of Gallbladder Attack Vs Flu
"Thresholds Loire (Colette Nys-Mazure)
Born in 1939 in Wavre, Colette Nys-Mazure lives along the Scheldt in Tournai (Belgium). She holds an MA in modern literature at the Catholic University of Louvain. Long French teacher, she continues to lead writing workshops and reading. His first published in 1975. If poetry is his favorite area, she also writes drama, stories, essays and books for youth.
Colette wrote this book of 141 pages as part of a residence of a poet who ran in 2002 for two months at the Centre Municipal de Rochefort-sur-Loire. During his first visit, an icy wind inspires this thought: "How not to feel in a country known since I found the air of us? There, as here, the weather vane turns more willingly than the range it beats the wing.
Moulin Géant, which houses the residence of poet, reminds him of his great-grandfather was a miller who Desmet Augustine in Tournai. Its Moulin de l'Agache (a magpie in Tournai) built in 1808 had been destroyed by the Germans in October 1918. Augustine died in 72 years in 1921, but his daughters (including Harriet, the grandmother of the author) Colette told many stories about him.
Moulin Géant Rochefort-sur-Loire as it evokes the mills Froyennes, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Damme or Kain. References are common in Tournai: "My territory is split by the Scheldt, powerful and unassuming. Nothing to do with the Rhone, the Loire or the Moldau, but my river and I regularly attends, supporting badly the disdainful of some tourists, eager to look, unable to contemplate ".
Colette praised correspondence and writing: "How many people can they go without writing? Ignore the emotion they found letters that say be gone, still vibrating under your fingers, eyes?". After his residency as a poet, she concludes: "These people crossed and these places are surveyed in me does not disfigure vandal. Writing as a witness, legatee. Memory setter. In the wake of the great men poets' m preceded by: the band Cadou Pierre Garnier, Pascal Commère, Thierry Renard, and already the perspective of those who follow me, I am steeped in a country. " Not being
a great lover of poetry, it is mostly comments and reflections of Colette Nys-Mazure that interested me. They taught me more about this great lady that I admire the talent, wisdom and humanism. His love of nature, reading, writing, Tournai and small pleasures of everyday life as reflected in this book.
Born in 1939 in Wavre, Colette Nys-Mazure lives along the Scheldt in Tournai (Belgium). She holds an MA in modern literature at the Catholic University of Louvain. Long French teacher, she continues to lead writing workshops and reading. His first published in 1975. If poetry is his favorite area, she also writes drama, stories, essays and books for youth.
Colette wrote this book of 141 pages as part of a residence of a poet who ran in 2002 for two months at the Centre Municipal de Rochefort-sur-Loire. During his first visit, an icy wind inspires this thought: "How not to feel in a country known since I found the air of us? There, as here, the weather vane turns more willingly than the range it beats the wing.
Moulin Géant, which houses the residence of poet, reminds him of his great-grandfather was a miller who Desmet Augustine in Tournai. Its Moulin de l'Agache (a magpie in Tournai) built in 1808 had been destroyed by the Germans in October 1918. Augustine died in 72 years in 1921, but his daughters (including Harriet, the grandmother of the author) Colette told many stories about him.
Moulin Géant Rochefort-sur-Loire as it evokes the mills Froyennes, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Damme or Kain. References are common in Tournai: "My territory is split by the Scheldt, powerful and unassuming. Nothing to do with the Rhone, the Loire or the Moldau, but my river and I regularly attends, supporting badly the disdainful of some tourists, eager to look, unable to contemplate ".
Colette praised correspondence and writing: "How many people can they go without writing? Ignore the emotion they found letters that say be gone, still vibrating under your fingers, eyes?". After his residency as a poet, she concludes: "These people crossed and these places are surveyed in me does not disfigure vandal. Writing as a witness, legatee. Memory setter. In the wake of the great men poets' m preceded by: the band Cadou Pierre Garnier, Pascal Commère, Thierry Renard, and already the perspective of those who follow me, I am steeped in a country. " Not being
a great lover of poetry, it is mostly comments and reflections of Colette Nys-Mazure that interested me. They taught me more about this great lady that I admire the talent, wisdom and humanism. His love of nature, reading, writing, Tournai and small pleasures of everyday life as reflected in this book.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Compare Noise Mixer Grinder
Briefly ...
1 Nicolas Ancion New novel: "The man who refused to die" (Editions Dis Voir). It is loosely based on research on aging François Taddei bacteria and transmission of knowledge in nature, from unicellular to humans. It takes up to cons- the work of the researcher and revisits the figure of the mad scientist and sorcerer, the stories of robots and organ trafficking. More information
2 ° Micheline Boland has been interviewed by Bob Shop on TV News: . In September, Florian Houdart had produced a clip very well on his literary career:
3 Carine Laure Desguin was awarded 3rd prize for poetry Charleroi mutualités Socialists for his poem "The Arrival". She will be signing session Saturday, November 13, 2010 afternoon at the show Turn the page. More information
4 ° Jacques Goyens just released his latest book: "The unfathomable enigma." It is a collection of stories and portraits of women, the fruit of decades of observation. He will autograph session Sunday, November 14, 2010 from 10h to 19h at the show Turn the page. More info on his site / Jacques
5 Philippe Mathy present his latest book "A boat" (published by Black Grouse) Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 10:30 am in room Turn the page. More info on his site
6 Evelyn Wilwerth present his novel "Butterfly mortal" (Luce Wilquin editions) November 3 to November 20 Sabam and the Flower in gold paper in Brussels. One of his poems was included in "Stung worms" (Editions La Renaissance du Livre), a new anthology of poetry based on 300 Belgian favorites Colette Nys-Mazure and Christian Libens. Finally, Evelyn prepares a set of erotic and sensual texts. More info on his site
7 Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 18h, the Association of French-speaking Belgian writer (150, floor Wavre in Ixelles) will present "The survivors Sallimoc" Pascale Schyns Lara, "In the ear deep" Marc Dugardin and "John Tordeur: writing table" Marie-Ange Bernard. More information
8 The 8th Belgian Book Fair will be held on 26, 27 and November 28, 2010 in Uccle (free admission). Jean Van Hamme, Mark Eyskens, Armel Job, Bob Boutique, Alain Berenboom, Corinne Hoex, Jean-Baptiste Baronian Engel and Vincent have already confirmed their presence.
1 Nicolas Ancion New novel: "The man who refused to die" (Editions Dis Voir). It is loosely based on research on aging François Taddei bacteria and transmission of knowledge in nature, from unicellular to humans. It takes up to cons- the work of the researcher and revisits the figure of the mad scientist and sorcerer, the stories of robots and organ trafficking. More information
2 ° Micheline Boland has been interviewed by Bob Shop on TV News: . In September, Florian Houdart had produced a clip very well on his literary career:
3 Carine Laure Desguin was awarded 3rd prize for poetry Charleroi mutualités Socialists for his poem "The Arrival". She will be signing session Saturday, November 13, 2010 afternoon at the show Turn the page. More information
4 ° Jacques Goyens just released his latest book: "The unfathomable enigma." It is a collection of stories and portraits of women, the fruit of decades of observation. He will autograph session Sunday, November 14, 2010 from 10h to 19h at the show Turn the page. More info on his site / Jacques
5 Philippe Mathy present his latest book "A boat" (published by Black Grouse) Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 10:30 am in room Turn the page. More info on his site
6 Evelyn Wilwerth present his novel "Butterfly mortal" (Luce Wilquin editions) November 3 to November 20 Sabam and the Flower in gold paper in Brussels. One of his poems was included in "Stung worms" (Editions La Renaissance du Livre), a new anthology of poetry based on 300 Belgian favorites Colette Nys-Mazure and Christian Libens. Finally, Evelyn prepares a set of erotic and sensual texts. More info on his site
7 Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 18h, the Association of French-speaking Belgian writer (150, floor Wavre in Ixelles) will present "The survivors Sallimoc" Pascale Schyns Lara, "In the ear deep" Marc Dugardin and "John Tordeur: writing table" Marie-Ange Bernard. More information
8 The 8th Belgian Book Fair will be held on 26, 27 and November 28, 2010 in Uccle (free admission). Jean Van Hamme, Mark Eyskens, Armel Job, Bob Boutique, Alain Berenboom, Corinne Hoex, Jean-Baptiste Baronian Engel and Vincent have already confirmed their presence.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Willa Struśińska Tarnów
Interview with Ape on the Moon T-shirts
was brighter note after yesterday's blog note ... Here Is A
very lovely interview by Katherine Ape Blog From The illustration on the Moon! ;)
On a lighter note after note of yesterday ... A nice interview
illustrations by Katherine's Blog Ape on the Moon! ;)
very lovely interview by Katherine Ape Blog From The illustration on the Moon! ;)
On a lighter note after note of yesterday ... A nice interview
illustrations by Katherine's Blog Ape on the Moon! ;)
Worms Used In Yoghurts
Interview by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
To mark the release of his new book "When I think that Beethoven died when so many idiots live ..." (Albin Michel), the Belgian writer Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt confided to journalist Didier Debroux:
"Beethoven is the man for man?
- Mozart is the emergence of grace. Inexplicable. Conversely, Beethoven sought in the human spark that upsets us. He denies the inevitability and pushes the man to forge humanity.
- Is it close to Erasmus, who said: "Man is not born, it becomes"?
- It does not deal with God, but he preaches a spiritual conversion. His music has a design life that is not illusory. must transcend to escape pain, into joy and in a relationship in full harmony with nature and events.
- His music is not it a combination of tragedy and optimism?
- This is where I identify with him. Although our lives are fleeting, Beethoven magnifies the meaning of life. It shows the path of heroism.
- Is not it a bit exhausting?
- While it is sound, dense, agitated, loud. He never leaves us in peace. Admittedly, it turns out a fellow hard but so necessary.
- he, the tortured, the tumultuous, he reached the fullness?
- I like to think he fell asleep happy. His last quartet attests. The notes celebrate the accomplishment, existential, moral and spiritual.
- And you?
- Happiness is not to deviate from the pain but to embrace life. Wisdom means accepting life, surrendering, cultivate joy. The road is still long ... "
To mark the release of his new book "When I think that Beethoven died when so many idiots live ..." (Albin Michel), the Belgian writer Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt confided to journalist Didier Debroux:
"Beethoven is the man for man?
- Mozart is the emergence of grace. Inexplicable. Conversely, Beethoven sought in the human spark that upsets us. He denies the inevitability and pushes the man to forge humanity.
- Is it close to Erasmus, who said: "Man is not born, it becomes"?
- It does not deal with God, but he preaches a spiritual conversion. His music has a design life that is not illusory. must transcend to escape pain, into joy and in a relationship in full harmony with nature and events.
- His music is not it a combination of tragedy and optimism?
- This is where I identify with him. Although our lives are fleeting, Beethoven magnifies the meaning of life. It shows the path of heroism.
- Is not it a bit exhausting?
- While it is sound, dense, agitated, loud. He never leaves us in peace. Admittedly, it turns out a fellow hard but so necessary.
- he, the tortured, the tumultuous, he reached the fullness?
- I like to think he fell asleep happy. His last quartet attests. The notes celebrate the accomplishment, existential, moral and spiritual.
- And you?
- Happiness is not to deviate from the pain but to embrace life. Wisdom means accepting life, surrendering, cultivate joy. The road is still long ... "
Sunday, October 24, 2010
How To Make A Swing Bike
[EDIT] I was contacted by the provider of Tiger Giant who printed the shirts. They actually found the drawing on a graphics site stock, and did not know he was not free of duties. They were all made to correct and we are currently developing a compensation agreement. :)
[EDIT] I've Received a phone call from The Who Made The shirts beg for Giant Tiger. Theys got the picture from a stock website graphics and Did not Know It Was Under copyrights. They've Been very understanding, and we're clearing a draft legal agreement. :)

This t-shirt you seem familiar?
Does this shirt feel familiar?

This shirt is currently sold at Giant Tiger, Canada. Obviously, it did not bother to ask my permission ...
I contacted in the coming days, we'll see what it's going to ...!
This IS shirt Currently sold at Giant Tiger in Canada. Without my permission, It Goes Without Saying ...
I'll get in touch With Them In The next couple of days and see What They Say About It ...!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Pokemon Soulsilver Ds Rom
The Belgian writer Paul Pourveur
In Belgium, where the playwright Paul bilingual Pourveur seems unique: sometimes he writes in French and in Dutch, as ordering him to come to a theater of the Netherlands , in Flanders and the French community. Born in Antwerp in 1952, her parents speak French and he completed his studies in Dutch. After his school, he sailed from Antwerp to register for the Graduate School of Cinema in Brussels Dutch. He then worked as an editor for film and television. His first songs were screenplays and scripts for documentaries. He proposes to write plays in Dutch (from 1985) and French (from 1989). Pourveur but Paul does not translate itself, he sees just the translations, whether from Dutch to French or vice versa. He has received awards both north and south.
Pourveur Paul told recently: "I very lucky. I always worked on commission, for both the film as the theater, both in Dutch and French. I did not choose to write in a specific language, I responded to requests. Bilingual forever, I am Belgian, French and Flemish writer writer. I never write like a real French or Flemish as true. It will always be in between. With influences from both languages, I think. I never felt a sense of belonging to a specific language. I am like a tourist within languages. Respectful and disrespectful to one side or the other. It is a mixture of both cultures. What gives me more freedom, although often it is close to grammatical errors. But you have to play with language ".
In Belgium, where the playwright Paul bilingual Pourveur seems unique: sometimes he writes in French and in Dutch, as ordering him to come to a theater of the Netherlands , in Flanders and the French community. Born in Antwerp in 1952, her parents speak French and he completed his studies in Dutch. After his school, he sailed from Antwerp to register for the Graduate School of Cinema in Brussels Dutch. He then worked as an editor for film and television. His first songs were screenplays and scripts for documentaries. He proposes to write plays in Dutch (from 1985) and French (from 1989). Pourveur but Paul does not translate itself, he sees just the translations, whether from Dutch to French or vice versa. He has received awards both north and south.
Pourveur Paul told recently: "I very lucky. I always worked on commission, for both the film as the theater, both in Dutch and French. I did not choose to write in a specific language, I responded to requests. Bilingual forever, I am Belgian, French and Flemish writer writer. I never write like a real French or Flemish as true. It will always be in between. With influences from both languages, I think. I never felt a sense of belonging to a specific language. I am like a tourist within languages. Respectful and disrespectful to one side or the other. It is a mixture of both cultures. What gives me more freedom, although often it is close to grammatical errors. But you have to play with language ".
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Ontario Drivers License Renewal
Skydoll Giant Tiger, the return of the son of vengeance ...
soon on your screens ...
Airing soon ...
I was invited to participate in the expo Skydoll Tribute to be held at The Gallery in Paris ... Opening on November 13 more info and my picture ended up very soon!
I've been Invited to Join the Skydoll Tribute group show at The Gallery in Paris ... Opening Party Is On November 13th, stay tuned for more info & the final version of my artwork!
Airing soon ...

I was invited to participate in the expo Skydoll Tribute to be held at The Gallery in Paris ... Opening on November 13 more info and my picture ended up very soon!
I've been Invited to Join the Skydoll Tribute group show at The Gallery in Paris ... Opening Party Is On November 13th, stay tuned for more info & the final version of my artwork!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Pic Of Bad Case Of Strep Throat
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Só Lésbicas Nuas
News Young Belgian author Antoine Wauters
Born in Liege in 1981, Antoine Wauters is a philosopher by training, co-editor of" Language Cheers "and screenwriter. Prizewinner Pyramids 2008, the same year he received the Award Polak of the Royal Academy of French Language and Literature in Belgium. He has already published "Bones" (Black Grouse), "The mouth of four" (The Coudrier) and "Standing on the tongue" (Maelstrom).
Co-written with Ben Ares, his book "Ali if you want" just released in France by Cheyne Editor in Green Collection ( ). It is a poetic narrative Malagasy ground. For months, Anthony has several projects underway narrative (a story, a novel, a play) and two films co-written with director Antoine Cuypers, produced by Between Dogs and Wolves (who mainly produces "The barons "). His next book, "Cesarini", published in late 2011 Cheyne Publisher.
I suggest you see and hear Antony read his text "Standing on the language"
Born in Liege in 1981, Antoine Wauters is a philosopher by training, co-editor of" Language Cheers "and screenwriter. Prizewinner Pyramids 2008, the same year he received the Award Polak of the Royal Academy of French Language and Literature in Belgium. He has already published "Bones" (Black Grouse), "The mouth of four" (The Coudrier) and "Standing on the tongue" (Maelstrom).
Co-written with Ben Ares, his book "Ali if you want" just released in France by Cheyne Editor in Green Collection ( ). It is a poetic narrative Malagasy ground. For months, Anthony has several projects underway narrative (a story, a novel, a play) and two films co-written with director Antoine Cuypers, produced by Between Dogs and Wolves (who mainly produces "The barons "). His next book, "Cesarini", published in late 2011 Cheyne Publisher.
I suggest you see and hear Antony read his text "Standing on the language"
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Camowedding Invitation
Agenda of our authors in October 2010
October 10 at 11am: comparative reading of Stefan Brijs and Liliane Wouters in the Marathon des Mots Brussels (at Passa Porta, Dansaertstraat 46).
From October 13 to 17: The Wrath of Reading is an awareness campaign to books and reading since 1991 organized by the General Department of Arts of the French community. Hundreds of activities are organized. More information
October 14, 2030: literary lunch with Yvon Toussaint Aquilone in Liege. More information
15 and October 16: 25th Anniversary In the house of poetry and the French language in Namur. More information
16 and October 17: 3rd edition of the Book Fair in Liege Policy. More information
October 21: As part of Thursdays Reading, presentation of an anthology of poetry Belgian yesterday and today at the Palace Fine Arts (12.30 to 13.30).
October 24 at 10am: Meeting with Beatrice Libert to the library of Amay.
12, 19 and 26 October: Noon conferences of Poetry in the main auditorium of the Royal Museums Beaux-Arts in Brussels (from 12:40 to 13:30). More information
October 28 at 19:30: Meeting with Beatrice Libert at the Library of Ham-sur-Heure.
October 28 to 18: Interview with Nadine Monfils at the library Chiroux Liege.
All these information are from the bimonthly magazine "The Book and Moments" that you can receive free of charge upon request from the Department of Arts of the French community.
October 10 at 11am: comparative reading of Stefan Brijs and Liliane Wouters in the Marathon des Mots Brussels (at Passa Porta, Dansaertstraat 46).
From October 13 to 17: The Wrath of Reading is an awareness campaign to books and reading since 1991 organized by the General Department of Arts of the French community. Hundreds of activities are organized. More information
October 14, 2030: literary lunch with Yvon Toussaint Aquilone in Liege. More information
15 and October 16: 25th Anniversary In the house of poetry and the French language in Namur. More information
16 and October 17: 3rd edition of the Book Fair in Liege Policy. More information
October 21: As part of Thursdays Reading, presentation of an anthology of poetry Belgian yesterday and today at the Palace Fine Arts (12.30 to 13.30).
October 24 at 10am: Meeting with Beatrice Libert to the library of Amay.
12, 19 and 26 October: Noon conferences of Poetry in the main auditorium of the Royal Museums Beaux-Arts in Brussels (from 12:40 to 13:30). More information
October 28 at 19:30: Meeting with Beatrice Libert at the Library of Ham-sur-Heure.
October 28 to 18: Interview with Nadine Monfils at the library Chiroux Liege.
All these information are from the bimonthly magazine "The Book and Moments" that you can receive free of charge upon request from the Department of Arts of the French community.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Destination Wedding Save The Date Letters
Sketch the evening, hope
Like right now I'm working on projects too tope sicrète I can not speak, here's a doodle drawn in my sketchbook while nice buy for the holidays (and not open before school starts - it's bad ...)
As at the moment I'm working it super-secret projects That I can not tell you about, Here Is A Little Doodle From The lovely sketchbook I bought "during the holidays (and didn 't Even use Once Before I got back home - shame on me ...!)
And a test in 10 minutes flat coloring with markers smelling Sambre released his fan (do not drop is not so easy ... la la la ...)
I actually like the way markers were mixed with brown pencil ... I will probably do other tests in this genre!
And a 10-minute shot at coloring It With markers - it looks a lot like one of my favorite French comic, Sambre ...!
I actually like the Way The markers and merge Blended With The brown pencil ... Probably I'll make some more experiments With This!
As at the moment I'm working it super-secret projects That I can not tell you about, Here Is A Little Doodle From The lovely sketchbook I bought "during the holidays (and didn 't Even use Once Before I got back home - shame on me ...!)

And a test in 10 minutes flat coloring with markers smelling Sambre released his fan (do not drop is not so easy ... la la la ...)
I actually like the way markers were mixed with brown pencil ... I will probably do other tests in this genre!
And a 10-minute shot at coloring It With markers - it looks a lot like one of my favorite French comic, Sambre ...!
I actually like the Way The markers and merge Blended With The brown pencil ... Probably I'll make some more experiments With This!

Monday, September 27, 2010
2003 Mondeo Outside Temperature Sensor
New Book Nicole Versailles
Romanist and facilitator of writing workshops, Nicole Versailles began writing late in life. It became known From 2004 through his blog ( ). This experience inspired his book "All of a blog, a trial-testimony published by Editions Colors Books. She wrote an autobiographical novel very moving, "The child against the child upside down," I told you ( LENDROIT-childs-lenvers-nicole.html ). And I had the pleasure of meeting her by accident last March at the Book Fair in Brussels.
Nicole Versailles has just released a new book entitled "The Bribe". As I have unfortunately not yet had time to read it, I sought the help of the Belgian author Evelyne Wilwerth who has kindly agreed to make me a (very beautiful) report:
"Versailles Nicole really has a sense of new, the density and fall. This literary genre it fits like a glove. It shows a beautiful master narrative. These short texts seem well defined, well framed. No fat, no frioritures. It has the art of playing with the reader (it takes us on a wrong track, it offers riddles). His eyes are human, imbued with tenderness. Even if it portrays the cruelty, dishonesty, meanness and a host of small horrors. Human eyes then, and acute forager souls. What is the job of writers ... She knows how to spend the suffering. Then she has the art of personifying objects. A feature of the universe. In addition, it is a true all new, with these unifying elements that are the table and the color red. The recurrent themes struck me: old age, sickness, loss of memory. And I would note also a historical and political dimension that gives additional power to books. In short, a real content. Molded in a bright and just write.
Romanist and facilitator of writing workshops, Nicole Versailles began writing late in life. It became known From 2004 through his blog ( ). This experience inspired his book "All of a blog, a trial-testimony published by Editions Colors Books. She wrote an autobiographical novel very moving, "The child against the child upside down," I told you ( LENDROIT-childs-lenvers-nicole.html ). And I had the pleasure of meeting her by accident last March at the Book Fair in Brussels.
Nicole Versailles has just released a new book entitled "The Bribe". As I have unfortunately not yet had time to read it, I sought the help of the Belgian author Evelyne Wilwerth who has kindly agreed to make me a (very beautiful) report:
"Versailles Nicole really has a sense of new, the density and fall. This literary genre it fits like a glove. It shows a beautiful master narrative. These short texts seem well defined, well framed. No fat, no frioritures. It has the art of playing with the reader (it takes us on a wrong track, it offers riddles). His eyes are human, imbued with tenderness. Even if it portrays the cruelty, dishonesty, meanness and a host of small horrors. Human eyes then, and acute forager souls. What is the job of writers ... She knows how to spend the suffering. Then she has the art of personifying objects. A feature of the universe. In addition, it is a true all new, with these unifying elements that are the table and the color red. The recurrent themes struck me: old age, sickness, loss of memory. And I would note also a historical and political dimension that gives additional power to books. In short, a real content. Molded in a bright and just write.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Moving To London Blog Spot
"The marriage of Dominique Hardenne (Vincent Engel)
Survivor of a routed army, Dominique Hardenne wants to find his village, his family and he loves Nathan. But a bomb has killed all the inhabitants, frozen for eternity. Dominique chooses to stay with his memories and work the land, before going insane and imagining the dead again become alive.
This novel is well written, but I did not like. It gives the blues is sad and the first to the last page. No twist in the story. I may not understand everything but other than that being alone in the world is not very gay, I do not see why this novel is a "visionary book" or "allegory of our century," as 'says the back cover.
Survivor of a routed army, Dominique Hardenne wants to find his village, his family and he loves Nathan. But a bomb has killed all the inhabitants, frozen for eternity. Dominique chooses to stay with his memories and work the land, before going insane and imagining the dead again become alive.
This novel is well written, but I did not like. It gives the blues is sad and the first to the last page. No twist in the story. I may not understand everything but other than that being alone in the world is not very gay, I do not see why this novel is a "visionary book" or "allegory of our century," as 'says the back cover.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Top Upconverting Blu Ray Player
A shop in French
Hello everyone!
Hello everyone!
apologize for this egregious lack of rigor in the updates ... I promise I will show you new things soon!
I apologize for my Lack of Obvious Self-organization In The updates ... I promise I'll soon have new stuff to show you!
I have good news for French readers of this blog: I just opened a shop while French ALittleMarket on the platform, a new site devoted to handmade French. Indeed I know many people are not fluent in English, and do not buy on Etsy where everything is in English and where you have to pay in dollars ...
So, this shop is all in French and euro! And as you're lucky small, prices are more interesting on Etsy, where I must consider in my price fluctuations of the dollar against the euro.
For non-French speaking: for now I only show the shipping cost to France, but feel free to contact me, gladly send abroad, I will add shipping to your country!
I hope you enjoy the store! In the
latest news: now I Have A New shop all in French . I Doubt you care if you're reading this, though! ;) For you
Français-reading folks, my Etsy shop Is Wide open and waiting for you!
Hello everyone!
Hello everyone!
apologize for this egregious lack of rigor in the updates ... I promise I will show you new things soon!
I apologize for my Lack of Obvious Self-organization In The updates ... I promise I'll soon have new stuff to show you!
I have good news for French readers of this blog: I just opened a shop while French ALittleMarket on the platform, a new site devoted to handmade French. Indeed I know many people are not fluent in English, and do not buy on Etsy where everything is in English and where you have to pay in dollars ...
So, this shop is all in French and euro! And as you're lucky small, prices are more interesting on Etsy, where I must consider in my price fluctuations of the dollar against the euro.
For non-French speaking: for now I only show the shipping cost to France, but feel free to contact me, gladly send abroad, I will add shipping to your country!
I hope you enjoy the store! In the
latest news: now I Have A New shop all in French . I Doubt you care if you're reading this, though! ;) For you
Français-reading folks, my Etsy shop Is Wide open and waiting for you!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Vitamin High Ferritin
Chronicles Rene Henoumont
The Belgian writer René Henoumont left us a year ago, but "Le Soir Magazine" has a very good idea to continue publishing his best column each week. Here are four:
"Paradox. More than 16,000 animal species are endangered. In Wallonia, there are 40,000 wild boars and deer populations and deer are constantly increasing. These predators cause crop damage. The anger of Farmers growls. In truth, the holders of hunting big game occur in wooded areas as student pheasant plain. This is to satisfy shareholders by offering them up to target the day. It's shooting the pipe. This is the shop. Killing is not hunting. We had a game where, walking, pushing one game ahead. It was the merry chase, exploring nature during the last wild ducks and woodcock, wild boar night watch. Here we are. Last week of August 1939, I shared between the International Water Expo, the city and the village of my father. An unforgettable summer, the world of adolescence and first love. One fine evening, the great Arthur Perilous invites me to watch for wild boar. I accompany him, not without apprehension. Reached the edge of a ground oats, in the heart of dark wood, Arthur tells me a heavy gauge 12 and says he will push me boars we hear the cries of a savagery that makes me heart beat. I did not plan that! I am alone, gun in hand under the stars before the blond oats. Side of Liege, a glow in the sky, the Expo will close its doors in a few days (who knows?). We are on the eve of war, rather, between war and peace until May 10, 1940. I listen at night, starting at the slightest noise, terrified by the nocturnal birds. Time passes. Still no Arthur. I seem to hear a gallop, grunts and wild boars lead oats. Fingers twitching on the trigger, I pull my two shots. A silence disturbed only by the sound of two explosions. Out of the night, I guess Arthur looked at a dark mass at twenty paces. "It's a nice pig, you got it!". My legs are shaking and I dare believe it. And yet it is there, my first wild boar. If I remember correctly, at that time, farmers were allowed to shoot the boars on their land. Hunting today is the privilege of the wealthy at the expense of crops and plantations. Large herbivores severed the terminal bud of trees and wild boar are omnivorous. We must reduce them. Not so simple.
"During my summers buissonniers I known natural sanctuaries. My first sanctuary was the Montagne Saint-Pierre beyond ultimate purpose hills of the valley of the Meuse before Holland. I was still in high school and is along with our science teacher as we walked near the limestone where it was gentians, orchids and dwarf junipers. Where are they now? Sort? I doubt it. The Albert Canal and the fort of Eben -Emael have changed the landscape. Another sanctuary between Filot (Hamoir) and Sy, the Marniere, a plateau where the marl was extracted. There were colonies of gentian, as well as deep excavations which were thrown cattle patients. This did not prevent the mender, a character nicknamed "Tchofil unsuspectingly," to retrieve a pig burst and enjoy them. He died in his nineties ... Other shrines loops Ourthe and Amblève: Fêchereux and Raborive. Fêchereux was dominated by Roche Hawks at the foot of which good-sized trout, pike and perch abounded. He had to borrow a water passage, now repealed and replaced by an ugly bridge, so as to allow bikes to access the towpath along the River. I call it a crime. Near La Roche, an abandoned house served as refuge for supporters during the Occupation. I remember. Jewish families hiding in the nearby village. Raborive near Martinrea on Amel, was even more secret. There, Charles Martel's troops decimated the Neustrians Planer. The river flows under a canopy of weeping willows, green path to true dungeon of the castle ruins of Amel son Aymon lent to the four where it was thought that the bandits Magonette and Gena had hidden their treasure. The side of the rock stood in the 50s, the Mohinette, famous tale Marcellin Guard. There will be hidden near Louis XVI and his companion attempting to cross the Rhine. Henchmen of murdered Directory outlaws. The true is that during the dark years, members of the PS Underground found refuge under the protection of the mineworkers of the Belle-Roche, armed resisters. I remember too. A Raborive, fish reached an exceptional size. There were also huge snakes. It was a paradise. While fishing, history caught up with me, I had something to dream ... Today is a camping ...".
"Childhood your brand she ever? So I always had a certain melancholy in August. The days sped the end of the holiday was approaching. In my father's village, the festivals of the mid-August, decorated floats, outdoor games, announced the return to school. Another fortnight ... What I liked best at school, it is the holidays ... The promise of new notebooks, pen tray lined, was only a small consolation. Then I counted the days, waterfront, fishing rod in hand, watching the great river flowing. How was it during the winter? I imagined her in the blue ice and bare trees where the birds were silent. Got in my uncle's farm, I took refuge in the barn, where the straw was felt, blonde and crunchy. "Where's the kid?" asked my aunt. "I Tchoul and growls" my uncle said, sucking his pipe on the bench outside the house where the swallows already lined up on the son as a chirping power abacus. Today, it stopped raining, but the sun is reluctant in the yard. Near the source, the crocuses will bloom with large lanceolate leaves soon. I wonder if in the near muddy High Ardenne, there are still some crocuses that grazing cows on his lips blue. A friend, at my request, long ago, sent me six feet of saffron. Each fall, they are there, but my friend is gone. Mad botany and mushroom, it could offer a complete dinner, from soup to dessert, with mushrooms, washed down with the best wine. He knew how to live ... The morning mist still smokes like a wash over the river in the valley ponds lost, a laundry as there is more than either. The washing machine hums, odorless, like thousands of others. In the village there were two big ladies laundry all day long great white sheets they began to dry in the orchard. I can still see them flapping in the wind and I lost myself in picking apples. I hesitate to prune the hedges, the pigeons have nests (nice excuse!). When I wake up in the mail by the hedge charms, there is one that starts snapping wings. I know he's young, and I look forward to the house, the newspaper under his arm, something to do while waiting for the Maigret Sunday.
"taking a little space in the garage below the sloping path, where a cloudburst had accumulated 60 cm of mud, I put my hand on my fishing bag I'm lost for 20 years. The small short-handled scoop, bottle ass drilled where the minnows accumulated fond of bread, minnows box, mounts, everything is there. On the last day of summer, where Belgium is lagging, where Iran is scary, you do not want complacency. I was reminded of old days of trout fishing in the Ourthe. And I found myself playing the wrist as if I was fishing the spinning between large rocks where the river cascading Sy ... Anything else on this last day of summer, end of a rotten season, stealth gray sky and sun, I prepared my four-hours. The Herve cheese cube in the basement was ready, double cream Aubel, sweet. The toast with syrup of Liège, I found the smell of the house of my grandfather, at number 6 Rue Charlemagne, the Préalle-Herstal. I saw the policeman retired, all dressed in velvet, his shotgun still within reach. He stood leaning on the table covered with green linoleum lined side by side where the packets of tobacco Semois ruptured, large Bouffard, cartridge boxes, the big brown bread, cheese Herve, the pot of syrup and pears in the garden. I saw him as I can see you're reading me, while I was flipping through the blue pages of the catalog of the arms factory and graduate of St. Etienne which was the bible of my grandfather. In winter, the big platform to red nozzle buzzing and the only room on the ground floor smelled like all the coal Préalle. I still hear the noise of trucks tipping the top of the heap close to home. I mean tchouf-tchouf locomotive line-Liege Tongeren past the house, idling up to the crossing in front of which stood the old liver Dadite selling to minors piqued the Bacnure who had no butter on their sandwiches. Dadite had known my mother to child and called him "my binamée" and me, a little anything, to whom she offered a slice of his liver stung as I have never been found in meats. On this day in late summer, I prepared a hot coffee to get the Herve, the best cheese in the world. At least I have left it there ...".
The Belgian writer René Henoumont left us a year ago, but "Le Soir Magazine" has a very good idea to continue publishing his best column each week. Here are four:
"Paradox. More than 16,000 animal species are endangered. In Wallonia, there are 40,000 wild boars and deer populations and deer are constantly increasing. These predators cause crop damage. The anger of Farmers growls. In truth, the holders of hunting big game occur in wooded areas as student pheasant plain. This is to satisfy shareholders by offering them up to target the day. It's shooting the pipe. This is the shop. Killing is not hunting. We had a game where, walking, pushing one game ahead. It was the merry chase, exploring nature during the last wild ducks and woodcock, wild boar night watch. Here we are. Last week of August 1939, I shared between the International Water Expo, the city and the village of my father. An unforgettable summer, the world of adolescence and first love. One fine evening, the great Arthur Perilous invites me to watch for wild boar. I accompany him, not without apprehension. Reached the edge of a ground oats, in the heart of dark wood, Arthur tells me a heavy gauge 12 and says he will push me boars we hear the cries of a savagery that makes me heart beat. I did not plan that! I am alone, gun in hand under the stars before the blond oats. Side of Liege, a glow in the sky, the Expo will close its doors in a few days (who knows?). We are on the eve of war, rather, between war and peace until May 10, 1940. I listen at night, starting at the slightest noise, terrified by the nocturnal birds. Time passes. Still no Arthur. I seem to hear a gallop, grunts and wild boars lead oats. Fingers twitching on the trigger, I pull my two shots. A silence disturbed only by the sound of two explosions. Out of the night, I guess Arthur looked at a dark mass at twenty paces. "It's a nice pig, you got it!". My legs are shaking and I dare believe it. And yet it is there, my first wild boar. If I remember correctly, at that time, farmers were allowed to shoot the boars on their land. Hunting today is the privilege of the wealthy at the expense of crops and plantations. Large herbivores severed the terminal bud of trees and wild boar are omnivorous. We must reduce them. Not so simple.
"During my summers buissonniers I known natural sanctuaries. My first sanctuary was the Montagne Saint-Pierre beyond ultimate purpose hills of the valley of the Meuse before Holland. I was still in high school and is along with our science teacher as we walked near the limestone where it was gentians, orchids and dwarf junipers. Where are they now? Sort? I doubt it. The Albert Canal and the fort of Eben -Emael have changed the landscape. Another sanctuary between Filot (Hamoir) and Sy, the Marniere, a plateau where the marl was extracted. There were colonies of gentian, as well as deep excavations which were thrown cattle patients. This did not prevent the mender, a character nicknamed "Tchofil unsuspectingly," to retrieve a pig burst and enjoy them. He died in his nineties ... Other shrines loops Ourthe and Amblève: Fêchereux and Raborive. Fêchereux was dominated by Roche Hawks at the foot of which good-sized trout, pike and perch abounded. He had to borrow a water passage, now repealed and replaced by an ugly bridge, so as to allow bikes to access the towpath along the River. I call it a crime. Near La Roche, an abandoned house served as refuge for supporters during the Occupation. I remember. Jewish families hiding in the nearby village. Raborive near Martinrea on Amel, was even more secret. There, Charles Martel's troops decimated the Neustrians Planer. The river flows under a canopy of weeping willows, green path to true dungeon of the castle ruins of Amel son Aymon lent to the four where it was thought that the bandits Magonette and Gena had hidden their treasure. The side of the rock stood in the 50s, the Mohinette, famous tale Marcellin Guard. There will be hidden near Louis XVI and his companion attempting to cross the Rhine. Henchmen of murdered Directory outlaws. The true is that during the dark years, members of the PS Underground found refuge under the protection of the mineworkers of the Belle-Roche, armed resisters. I remember too. A Raborive, fish reached an exceptional size. There were also huge snakes. It was a paradise. While fishing, history caught up with me, I had something to dream ... Today is a camping ...".
"Childhood your brand she ever? So I always had a certain melancholy in August. The days sped the end of the holiday was approaching. In my father's village, the festivals of the mid-August, decorated floats, outdoor games, announced the return to school. Another fortnight ... What I liked best at school, it is the holidays ... The promise of new notebooks, pen tray lined, was only a small consolation. Then I counted the days, waterfront, fishing rod in hand, watching the great river flowing. How was it during the winter? I imagined her in the blue ice and bare trees where the birds were silent. Got in my uncle's farm, I took refuge in the barn, where the straw was felt, blonde and crunchy. "Where's the kid?" asked my aunt. "I Tchoul and growls" my uncle said, sucking his pipe on the bench outside the house where the swallows already lined up on the son as a chirping power abacus. Today, it stopped raining, but the sun is reluctant in the yard. Near the source, the crocuses will bloom with large lanceolate leaves soon. I wonder if in the near muddy High Ardenne, there are still some crocuses that grazing cows on his lips blue. A friend, at my request, long ago, sent me six feet of saffron. Each fall, they are there, but my friend is gone. Mad botany and mushroom, it could offer a complete dinner, from soup to dessert, with mushrooms, washed down with the best wine. He knew how to live ... The morning mist still smokes like a wash over the river in the valley ponds lost, a laundry as there is more than either. The washing machine hums, odorless, like thousands of others. In the village there were two big ladies laundry all day long great white sheets they began to dry in the orchard. I can still see them flapping in the wind and I lost myself in picking apples. I hesitate to prune the hedges, the pigeons have nests (nice excuse!). When I wake up in the mail by the hedge charms, there is one that starts snapping wings. I know he's young, and I look forward to the house, the newspaper under his arm, something to do while waiting for the Maigret Sunday.
"taking a little space in the garage below the sloping path, where a cloudburst had accumulated 60 cm of mud, I put my hand on my fishing bag I'm lost for 20 years. The small short-handled scoop, bottle ass drilled where the minnows accumulated fond of bread, minnows box, mounts, everything is there. On the last day of summer, where Belgium is lagging, where Iran is scary, you do not want complacency. I was reminded of old days of trout fishing in the Ourthe. And I found myself playing the wrist as if I was fishing the spinning between large rocks where the river cascading Sy ... Anything else on this last day of summer, end of a rotten season, stealth gray sky and sun, I prepared my four-hours. The Herve cheese cube in the basement was ready, double cream Aubel, sweet. The toast with syrup of Liège, I found the smell of the house of my grandfather, at number 6 Rue Charlemagne, the Préalle-Herstal. I saw the policeman retired, all dressed in velvet, his shotgun still within reach. He stood leaning on the table covered with green linoleum lined side by side where the packets of tobacco Semois ruptured, large Bouffard, cartridge boxes, the big brown bread, cheese Herve, the pot of syrup and pears in the garden. I saw him as I can see you're reading me, while I was flipping through the blue pages of the catalog of the arms factory and graduate of St. Etienne which was the bible of my grandfather. In winter, the big platform to red nozzle buzzing and the only room on the ground floor smelled like all the coal Préalle. I still hear the noise of trucks tipping the top of the heap close to home. I mean tchouf-tchouf locomotive line-Liege Tongeren past the house, idling up to the crossing in front of which stood the old liver Dadite selling to minors piqued the Bacnure who had no butter on their sandwiches. Dadite had known my mother to child and called him "my binamée" and me, a little anything, to whom she offered a slice of his liver stung as I have never been found in meats. On this day in late summer, I prepared a hot coffee to get the Herve, the best cheese in the world. At least I have left it there ...".
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Anesthesia Palpitations
Skydoll Expo - the pictures!
Hello world!
Hello everyone!
I'm finally back from vacation, and already half swamped ... but I'll still try to update the blog fairly regularly! ;)
I'm finally back from holidays, and burried Already Under work ... I'll try to update frequently to nevertheless! ;)
Here are some pictures of the opening of the exhibition Tribute to Skydoll taking place currently in The Gallery in Montreal, Canada! I'm sorry, Canadian friends (if any who read this blog?), I could not give you the date of opening on time because it was not fixed when I'm on vacation ... but the exhibition continues until mid-September so there is still time for a resit!
Here Are A Few Of The pictures Skydoll Tribute show that's Taking place in The Gallery in Montreal, Canada! I'm very sorry, Canadian friends (if Any Canadians Actually read this Blog), I Could Give You the opening date on time Because it wasn't Decided When I left for holidays ... But The show goes on till mid-september, So You Can Still Catch Up!
Thanks to the Gallery and Barbara Canepa for photos!
Thanks to The Gallery and Barbara Canepa for the pictures!
Click on photos to enlarge / / Click to enlarge the pictures
Hello everyone!
I'm finally back from vacation, and already half swamped ... but I'll still try to update the blog fairly regularly! ;)
I'm finally back from holidays, and burried Already Under work ... I'll try to update frequently to nevertheless! ;)
Here are some pictures of the opening of the exhibition Tribute to Skydoll taking place currently in The Gallery in Montreal, Canada! I'm sorry, Canadian friends (if any who read this blog?), I could not give you the date of opening on time because it was not fixed when I'm on vacation ... but the exhibition continues until mid-September so there is still time for a resit!
Here Are A Few Of The pictures Skydoll Tribute show that's Taking place in The Gallery in Montreal, Canada! I'm very sorry, Canadian friends (if Any Canadians Actually read this Blog), I Could Give You the opening date on time Because it wasn't Decided When I left for holidays ... But The show goes on till mid-september, So You Can Still Catch Up!
Thanks to the Gallery and Barbara Canepa for photos!
Thanks to The Gallery and Barbara Canepa for the pictures!
Click on photos to enlarge / / Click to enlarge the pictures

Monday, August 16, 2010
What Is A Good Argument Topic
Skydoll Expo in Montreal
Hello everyone!
Hello everyone!
First, a little message for you that I'll be on vacation until September 1, on a deserted island where computers are eaten by sharks and tarantulas (or almost), so I will not be really reached by then! But I will ...!
Firstly, a little not to let you know That I'm Leaving On holidays and I will be back on September 1rst, goal inbetween I'll be On an Island WHERE computers are food for sharks and giant spiders (or almost) , so I will not be in touch Until Then! But I will be back ...!
For other stories: works the exhibition in honor Skydoll are now visible and open for sale on the site Montreal The Gallery!
You can also see the real thing during the Comic-Con in Montreal at the gallery.
To celebrate, I put some of my favorites!
In other news, The artworks pour la Skydoll tribute show Can Be seen and are available for sale On The website of The Gallery Montreal! You Will Be Able
to See Them In The Flesh Düring Montreal Comic-Con at The Gallery Premises! To celebrate
, I'm Showing you a few "of my favorites!
© Jeremie Almanza
© April Marie
© Lilidoll
© Line Parmentier
First, a little message for you that I'll be on vacation until September 1, on a deserted island where computers are eaten by sharks and tarantulas (or almost), so I will not be really reached by then! But I will ...!
Firstly, a little not to let you know That I'm Leaving On holidays and I will be back on September 1rst, goal inbetween I'll be On an Island WHERE computers are food for sharks and giant spiders (or almost) , so I will not be in touch Until Then! But I will be back ...!
For other stories: works the exhibition in honor Skydoll are now visible and open for sale on the site Montreal The Gallery!
You can also see the real thing during the Comic-Con in Montreal at the gallery.
To celebrate, I put some of my favorites!
In other news, The artworks pour la Skydoll tribute show Can Be seen and are available for sale On The website of The Gallery Montreal! You Will Be Able
to See Them In The Flesh Düring Montreal Comic-Con at The Gallery Premises! To celebrate
, I'm Showing you a few "of my favorites!
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